Personal and Extended Licenses (Direct Purchase)

When buying products, you are provided with different types of licenses. The price of the product depends on the type of license. 

Each license has its own purpose, you are also free to buy the same item with different types of licenses.

Default License

The default license is a Personal License - which is used when creating your own content not for sale (your own YouTube blog, your own video game, or otherwise), and is also used for large projects without direct benefit (raising money for a startup, a free broadcast channel, etc.).

Other licenses imply a direct benefit from the purchased content or work in teams/studios.

Pricing of Licenses

The basic price (personal license) is multiplied by the number indicated next to the extended license types.

Personal License x 1Personal License x 1Personal License x 1
Commercial License x 3Mass Reproduction x 20Server License x 2
Multi-Reseller License x 10Broadcast & Film x 40

Example: The Personal License item is $ 30, if you choose a Commercial license for this item, then the new price will be $ 30 * 3 = $ 90 for a Commercial license.

Description of Extended Licenses

  • Commercial License - Projects for business (studio, team) that uses templates for processing into commercial projects for other customers, or creates its own products on a commercial basis.
  • Multi-Reseller License - Borrowing template elements for resale (more than 70% of the elements) - these can be shapes, typography, presets and other elements that are mixed with your content.
  • Mass Reproduction - If you plan to use this element many times (a lot of commercial content that will use the element - more than 30 end products).
  • Broadcast & Film - The use of audio in the production of films/broadcasts on a commercial basis.
  • Server License - License for teams working in a single network (local or Internet network with more than 10 people in the team).

If you cannot decide on the type of license for your needs, you can contact the support service.